Employers can have vastly different corporate culture models. Have an open mind and learn to embrace the corporate culture.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Career choice
Make your own career choices. There is no good reason to let someone else do this for you.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Never give up on a task. Instead, learn to readjust your approach when necessary. It is okay to take a break if you are overly frustrated.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Time Management
"Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else." Peter F. Drucker
Availability of Time: Not an Issue
I am short of time. Day's 24 hours are not enough for me. Wish I had more time. These are the various phrases we hear from many people often. But it is not true. Every body has enough free time after accounting for all the hours one spends on all the essential activities.
Here are the calculations for a typical week:
Total available hours 24 hours X 7 days = 168 hours
Minus Average sleep 7 hours X 7 days = 49 hours
Total waking hours = 119 hours
Average time at office 8 hours X 6 days = 48 hours
Average time commuting 2 hours X 6 days = 12 hours
Total work time = 60 hours
Total work time as % of waking hours 50% approximately
Free time available after accounting for work time and sleep time = 59 hours
Time availability, therefore, isn’t an issue. Most important thing is “how to take control of your time (and therefore, your life)”.
Every person has 168 hours a week. What you do with these hours impacts your life in short term as well as long term.
You Are a Great Time Manager
If you can manage or find time for:
- spouse
- children
- family
- professional
- introspection
and self improvement
- relationships
- sleep
and relaxation
- hobbies
and interests
- exercises
and walks
- enjoying
the nature
- reading
- humor
and laugh
- music
- travel
- watching
few good movies and few good television programs
- Time
is a “resource”; perhaps the most important resource of existing and
emerging scenario
- Time
can not be stored, it can not be preserved and so it is irretrievable once
- Time
is not transferable; it is personal
- Time
is irreversible
- No
rework is possible on time
- Time
itself can not be sold, therefore it can not be purchased
- Therefore,
Time is a peculiar resource: needs to be handled differently and more
- Work
out goals for a chosen period (or if possible, work our lifetime goals)
- Resolve
goal conflicts
- Set
- Select
your top three goals
- List
the possible activities for each of the three goals
- Set
priorities to allow you to select the most effective activity to do now
- Prepare
"weekly to do list" and then "daily to do" list
- Act
as per priority activities chosen
- Choose
the most effective way to accomplish the task
- Move
on to the next priority task and so on till you achieve the goal
Go by the following sequence in terms of prioritising your tasks or activities:
- Important
but not urgent tasks (If you take these as your top priority, the urgent
tasks will minimize. As urgency minimizes, your stress levels will also
come down. Refer: work pattern questionnaire at http://managing-stress-strain.blogspot.com/)
- Urgent
and important tasks (You will have to take them up as priority but you
should try to minimize instances of such tasks by concentrating on
important but not urgent tasks)
- Urgent
but not important tasks
- Not
important and not urgent tasks
- Planning:
Goal setting/target setting, prioritizing the goals
- Activity
analysis: Selection of activities,
eliminating or minimizing non-optimal/non-value adding activities
- Prioritizing
the activities and scheduling: Their sequencing, preparing
activity network and putting them on a time line
- Resource
organization: Plan out and position the
required resources
- Execution,
review and correction: Carry out the activities,
review them on a planned basis and incorporate corrections/modifications
to ensure timely and economic completion
This point holds a very important lesson to learn. And that is- howsoever badly you might have goofed on your time management in the past, the time that will be available to you from this moment onwards for your entire future is still intact, uncorrupted and full in quantity; as much as all of others will have.
So learn time management right now and apply it properly from now on. If you feel that you wasted your time in the past, you just have no power to waste the time that you have for your future. Your future still remains spotless. You lost nothing much, you can still make up for it and still go further.
You still have the power to plan out your tomorrow. Use all the good time management principles and reshape rest of your life on personal, family and professional fronts. Your second, third and many more innings can still be brilliant.
And its not too late either since tomorrow is just a day away from now.
Procrastinating (Thief of Time)
Why Do We Procrastinate?
- Boredom
- Fear
- Difficult people
- Boring tasks
- Risky/unfamiliar work
- Difficult phone calls
- Large projects
- Public contacts
- Small tasks
How Do We Procrastinate?
- Small versus large
- Perfectionist
- Phoning at lunch
- Waste of time
- Avoiding the task
- Commit yourself to start times.
- Break large projects down into manageable portions.
- Control the amount of paper on your desk.
- Prioritize your tasks.
- Reward yourself : Give yourself a deadline and then plan a
treat when you reach it. This will give you something to look forward to.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Only attend meetings if you are on schedule with the tasks that are required of you. If you are behind, kindly ask your boss if you can skip it.
Source: Shyam Bhatawdekar’s website: http://shyam.bhatawdekar.com
- Self-assurance
- Poise
- Self-possession
- Composure
- Coolness
- Calm self-assured dignity
- Buoyancy
- Impressive external personality
- Calmness and coolness in appearance and behavior
- Absence of tensions, stresses and strains
- Positive outlook
- Organized
- Absence of inferiority complex
- Absence of aggression and boastfulness
- Humility and modesty
- Absence of complaining and passing the blame
- Keep balance- don't be under-confident and don't be
- Good personal grooming
- Impressive and acceptable dress sense
- Use classy accessories (not necessarily very expensive)
- Personal hygiene
- Improve your appearance
- Keep physically fit
- Keep mentally fit
- Keep a good posture
- Walk smartly and faster
- Don't bite your nails
- Do a firm hand-shake
- Stand by your fundamental truths or values
- Keep examining your paradigms (mindsets) and change
them if necessary
- Openness to learn and to learn continuously
- Openness to unlearn and to relearn
- Keep positive outlook
- Yet, be abreast with the realities of life
- Keep up-to-date in knowledge in your
technical/professional area and in human skills (behavioral and soft
skills) (This is one
most important factor in improving your self-confidence)
- Keep up-to-date in skills/competencies in your
technical area (hard skills) and human skills (behavioral and soft skills)
(This is one most
important factor in improving your self confidence) (
- Focus on your strengths and only critical weaknesses and improve them
- Control your anxieties and fears
- Communicate effectively.
- Have a good command over the languages through which
you deal with others
- Speak up whenever and wherever required
- Don't mumble
- Walk the talk (actions speak better than words)
- Good sense of timing
- Have an active orientation
- Design successes by achieving your objectives and
related tasks by way of seeking opportunities, joining opportunities and creating
opportunities that suit your strengths.
- Smart and hard work
- Make decisive decisions.
- Work speedily and then accelerate
- Be energetic and exude enthusiasm while working
- Handle mistakes calmly
- Learn to be humorous and have fun
- Build trust
- Build team work.
- Delegate effectively.
- Use your and other people's (your subordinates’)
- Take care of your people.
- Maintain good human relations
- Compliment others (that makes you an I am OK- you are OK person)
- Accept compliments graciously
- Keep your eyes and ears open (without being a part of
politics, being completely professional)
- Learn the art of negotiating the system.
- Be flexible in your approaches
- Good interpersonal relations.
- Be firm but friendly
- Be friendly but not familiar (familiarity breeds
- Be assertive (do not be submissive or aggressive)
- Be dependable and live up to your promises
- Live with integrity and dignity.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
When you strive for excellence in everything you do, you quite naturally surpass others in your work. That gets you ahead
Monday, October 15, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Be Competent
You will get a career booster because you are the most capable and competent on the team
Thursday, October 4, 2012
You are a working adult now and it means being professional in the things you do. You need to conduct yourself with the highest of professional standards
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
A sense of purpose can also mean knowing your role in the organization. Remember, no matter how low ranking you are or how fresh you are at work, we all have a role to play
Career choice
Look at educational requirements, the job description, the job outlook, earnings, and opportunities for advancement.
Customize Your Resume for each Job Opening If you are not customizing your resume to each job opening, you are missing the perfect opport...
Only attend meetings if you are on schedule with the tasks that are required of you. If you are behind, kindly ask your boss if you can skip...
For a healthy mindset at your workplace get enough rest and sleep, avoid over-committing yourself to the work at hand and resist perfection...